SW Senate Update

Article by Adge

A wise man once said "Andrew, just shut up". At first these words were lost on me; but then it hit me: the man was obviously using some reverse psychology and actually suggesting I should speak more often. Because of this I've decided to graffiti the Senate chamber with my words of wisdom, including, but not limited to "AJ waz ere lolol" and "AJ > Iain"

This, however, is irrelevant. But it does, in a weird, Iain kind of way, bring me onto the real story I have for you all in this month's Senatorial update, fresh from Jaden's desk. As some of you may have noticed, Senators Kami and Anth - Senators of Bespin and Tattooine respectively - have been forced to step down to due time constraints. They served the Senate well and we thank them for all the hardwork and dedication they put into their jobs.

However, life goes on and there have been three new Sentorial appointments made to cover the loss of Kame and Anth. Senators Cynara, KypD and Soka of Chandrilla, Hapes and Nal Hutta have taken the vow and been sworn in as new Senators! Keep an eye out arond the chatrooms for our three newest Senators and feel free to offer them any sort of bribes or other financial "gifts". They're all welcome ;-)

Anyway, I'll wrap this up as I can hear Hobbie and Bria talking arguing upstairs, and I fear being hit by a stray blaster bolt. Yes, they shoot through walls. No-one is safe, honestly... *rolls eyes*

AJ (CL7)
Senator of Onderon
Entertainment SM
Outpost 10F


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