ST Patron of the Month

Article by Q (The One!)

Well, hereÂ’s the interview you lot were waiting for. The ST Patron of the Month for May 2006, CL6 SG!. The man who sees no fear, who came and gone, who held the world in the palm of his hands. Congrats SG!!!

1)How does it feel to be ST Patron of the month?

Same as when I'm Lord of the Dance. *does a jig* =) But, seriously, it's always nice to get an award which recognises your effort as part of the community. I love doing what I do around OTF, so an award like this is just a cherry on top.

2)Any idea of why you won it?

Probably because of the work I put in to the Lost weekend, and some other themed ideas for the future. It was a spontaneous decision to hold the weekend after some long discussions by the OZD team about themed weekends, so the work was done pretty much last minute. Also, my propaganda machine against the Senate and the Wizards is working quite effectively. =)

3)Would you like to have won it for a different reason? What reason?

Establishing a network of ninja guinea pigs within the world's governments.

4)For ST Members, who are seeking to win such an award, any tips, propaganda, or any other sort of briabary facts you can share with them? (Perhaps trade secrets?)

Iain is always right (or so he believes, and by extension the world must believe)

5)You've received a nice big, and not to mention, shiny award. Anything else you wish you had won?

A car.... but apparently the only cars you find in OTF are those without wheels and engines and are for sale by some guy called FM. =(

6)Anyone you would like to thank/curse?

The OZD... without them I'd just be some hacker defacing Ten Forward. =)

7)How long of an OTF member have you been? Anything that has been a great moment for you while being a member of such a wonderful Chat :D?

I've been a member since January 2003. Over that time there have been some great memories, and friendships. A lot of the people are considering my closest friends at OTF are those who I met at the Cork Union last year, so that was a pretty awesome moment.

8)Where do you see yourself in the next 30 seconds, 2 months, 8 years?

Next 30 seconds: Talking to FMiH about how unfortunate it is to have met SG.
Next 2 months: Enjoying the end of my summer holidays, move back to my home city, finishing up at work, and preparing to go back to college.
Next 8 years: Probably living on the moon or something. =)

Agent Q
One-Zero Division


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