ST Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Kayana

March is my favorite month, mostly because it's my birthday. Also because the snow in Canada starts melting then. least in BC. Without further ado, I present March's ST Patron of the Month, The Agent Formerly Known As Zarak- er, CL5 Raine! Congrats Raine!!!

1)How does it feel to be ST Patron of the month?
Strange, I was pretty sure there was some kind of curse on me ever winning an award, excluding the ones at the Anniversary.

2)Any idea of why you won it?
'Cause I'm a hard worker... Nah, i don't believe that =P I'll put it down to all my bribes and blackmail, remember children, in the words of Al Bundy, "It is only cheating if you get caught!"

3)Would you like to have won it for a different reason? What reason?
I don't mind what the reasons are, as long as it is a shiny medal, I like shiny things!

4)You've received a nice big shiny award. Anything else you wish you had won?
Lots and lots of things! Like a Pony!

5)Anyone you would like to thank/curse?
I curse thee all! I'm being fair that way, no playing favourites here! Actually I curse that FM more!

6)For those OTF members who're considering what genres to join what would you tell them?
Join ST or I'll cry, I mean it =( You don't want me to cry!

7)If there were Oscars for Patrons of the Month what would you wear?
Well me being me and being lazy, whatever I could find, 'cause I'd get dressed at the last possible second! But if i were to try it'd be my jeans and my shirt!

8)Where do you see yourself in the next 5 minutes?
Could be anywhere, i really need to do the food shopping but I can't be bothered, or I could be in the game shop buying games, or go back to bed, or just continue to sit here. Life is so uncertain!

Thank you Raine!


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