SW Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Adge

CL4 KypD was nominated the SW Patron of the Month for March. CL7 AJ stalked her until she finally answered a few questions:

AJ: You were awarded the SW Patron of the Month, recognising your work for the Outpost. How does it feel to have been recognised for your work?
KypD: Pretty good. It's nice to know that someone noticed!

AJ: You said it was nice to be noticed and rewarded. What do you think it is that earned you the award?
KypD: Well, I'm usually pretty polite to people and I try to welcome newbies in the nicest way possible.

AJ: You're a relatively new member to the Outpost, yet you're already very popular around the place. What is it about OTF that you like the most?
KypD: What I like most about OTF, is that so many people are really friendly and fun to talk with, and I share the same types of interests with them... in my RL, usually,I won't go around blabbing around about SW, so I can do that all in OTF

AJ: You're famous for the clicking habbit. Any idea what started this habbit to click all underlined words?
KypD: Hmmm...I think it started with Iain just putting links up...then he would underline random words...after that, anyone would put links up...I guess it just kinda stuck!!

AJ: So Iain is to blame, and not Hobbie? Interesting turn-up! What's your best memory of OTF so far?
KypD: *LOL* Best memory? There are too many! But it had to be the time when I got my rank "Ultimate Clicker"... I guess I passed Hobbie's clicking test, but other than that, it's probably whenever I get SPs during trivia. Or winning Trivia!

AJ: Do you have any long-term plans and dreams as far as OTF is concerned? Such as.. reach a certain rank, join a certain department etc?
KypD: Not really... I kinda like where I am in ENT, but I'd really like to get into ISA and reach Cl 7

AJ: Good luck with that! You're on the right-track for both, I'm sure! Last question. If there was an ultimate battle between ST, SW and FY; who would win, and why?
KypD: In terms of OTF fans, I think right now, SW would win...the movie came out not too long ago and there are more and more fans everyday. Also, ST hasn't been running new episodes for a while now, but even as there are so many ST fans in OTF, they might be getting out numbered. But in phsycal terms, I think SW would still win, because they have lightsabers and all that other cool junk :D

Interview conducted by AJ (CL7)


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