FY Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Bryce

The last winner of the Fantasy Patron of the Month award was long time fantasy patron and former Wizard, Cynara Jade (CL7)

1 - What kind of contributions did you have to make to the Outpost 10F fantasy community in order for you to receive this award?
Sitting in MT for hours on end *l* that's what I used to do, and hope others logged in. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.

2 - What made you take such an interest in the fantasy sector?
I wasn't really interested in it until I started becoming really close with Luc Deathstryke, who just so happens to be my best friend now. After talking to him for a while, I was lured over to the Fantasy sector.

3 - Did you expect at all that you might receive this award?
Never. I never expect any awards, promotions, etc. Why? Because I do what I think is fun and I never expect to be rewarded for doing something fun. It's like getting paid to play games and do something you love everyday.

4 - How long were you a member of the fantasy affiliation?
I was a member for about a year. I was originally Star Wars, then Star Trek, then Fantasy and now back to Star Wars. So I've been a part of all affiliations. Out of all of them, I enjoyed the Fantasy affiliation the most.

5 - As many know, you have recently left the Wizards. What are you going to miss most about the team?
The cool rank =( although that's not all. I liked that we had input to the fantasy part of OTF, like our opinions mattered and we could make decisions.

6 - Do you plan on working with the Outpost 10F fantasy community at all in the future?
Most likely. Right now, I need to concentrate on Guilds and most importantly, real life problems that have kept me busy. You never know what the future holds and maybe I'd go back, but not at the moment.

Alivan (CL5)


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