Interview with CL7 Michiel

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Old Nine Toes.

Who would you shoot with a level two, just for fun?
Numbloid, over and over again. :|

If you were in charge for 10f for one day, what would you do?
Upgrade her to 11f? I dunno, bro. :(

If you could be any OTFer for a day, who would you be?
Michiel, because he's awesome; I should know, I'm him!

Instead of a Captain Picard day - who would there be a day for in 10f?
Ron Jeremy day, his mustache is so sci-fi.

When did life begin at 10f for you?
February of 1999.

What's your favorite change that has occurred since you've arrived?
Most recently the addition of King's Landing, because it clearly has the best graphics. Duh. :p

Are you nostalgic about the 'old' 10f? which parts?
I miss Alder Hill and what it could've been had it not been discarded. Some of the old folks who no longer attend (some of whom I luckily see regularly IRL.)

Any suggestions for future changes you would like to see?
Um. Firefly room? :P

Which departments/teams have you worked in and with?
Almost all of them I suppose. I barely even remember some.

Who were some of your best friends when you were a new member?
I think Katrina was one of the first people I bonded with. And then Henri of course. Unfortunately my terrible memory doesn't allow me to remember people if I haven't seen them for a long time, so I don't really remember many.

Have you met any members in real life? What was it like?
Plenty of times, and it was almost always a blast.

Of the members you haven't met who do you want to meet up with?
Singling out names here feels wrong; I won't do it!

If you could buy any member of 10f a beer, who would it be?
DeBoe, because he'd truly appreciate it. Shame he hasn't been around much recently.

What themed room would you add to 10f?

What is the best and the worst thing about 10f?
The addictiveness, I suppose. :P

How would you describe 10f to outsiders?
An online sci-fy/fantasy community.

Why do you think 10f has lasted so long?
People make good friends here, maintaining those friendships via OTF leads to the dedication, I guess.

Best memory of this past year?
Everything before my forklift accident. :|

What is your personal message for the yearbook [2013]?