
I know I've only been the Senior Manager for Communications a short time, but I can truly say that OTF Communications has had a great year. Since the last anniversary, we've seen the resurgence of the Blue Report, the reactivation of the Unions Team, and this Yearbook being produced proves that anything is possible. Sure, we've had some setbacks this year, but we've bounced back and become stronger. We've got lots planned before the 2014 Anniversary. There is a lot on the horizon that the Outpost can look forward to. We are just about ready to start on the 2nd redesign of the Blue Report which will dramatically improve the reader experience and The Unions Team is hard at work on the 2014 Philly Union. We hope you will join us. Our crew in Communications is the best on the Outpost, always willing to do what needs to be done, even if the kudos aren't there. Please know guys that I notice your hard work and it does pay dividends for Outpost 10F. Here's to a great 2013 and an even better 2014! *raises glass*