The Senate Update: Subterfuge to the point of pointlessness!

Article by Bria

Hey hey!

Let's play a game. I start writing something, and you finish it, okay? Okay. Here goes. Over the last month, the Senate has been terribly busy with...

... no, I couldn't think of anything either, hence my above suggestion. So we're in a bit of a dilemma, my friend; I moreso than you. But I suppose that's a part of the job. The past month has seen the Senate as a group plotting madly behind the scenes in secret and clandestine meetings doing absolutely nothing. Yes. Well, apart from one senator's secret marriage (well, I wasn't told about it till afterwards - were you?), Jaden's temper tantrum at being made to clean up after one particularly wild party, another senator (who shall remain nameless), namely Majin (damn), spreading the wonders of Alaskan civilisation by building several igloos in the Senate chamber, and Osiris' temper tantrum at having to clean all that up (Jaden learns, see), nothing much happened. Really.

To divert attention from the subject I shall take my prompt from the others and ramble on about pirates. So, the CCC saw a pirate-themed weekend just like all the other chatrooms, ho-ho, I'm not Santa Claus I'm a pirate, drink up me hearties yo ho. Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against pirates, but really I'm just telling you things that you already knew, or should have known if you pay any kind of attention. So really, I might as well spend my time telling you about the consequences of leaving the Senate as experienced by one former senator (who shall definitely remain nameless because AJ is a horrible name (damn, I 'm not very good at this)) - where was I before I opened that bracket? Oh yes, consequences. Consequences apparently feature a mixture of drowning, stabbing (takes a second!), electrocuting (your faith in your girlfriend...), and I think being hit by a hammer also featured. Just so you know.

In summary - as you can see, it's not a terribly good idea to be quite so secretive in what you do when people expect you to at least have done something. And with that in mind, I'll say my goodbyes for this round and thank whatever it is I believe in again for making it through this update. Oh and also, you should all submit a story to Babel for the Writer's Guild competition. I have spoken.

Clear skies!

Bria Terrik (CL7)
Senator of Corellia
Queen of the Brackets (apparently)


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