Gene Roddenberry Award Interview

Article by Ayanna

Every once in a while a member of the community is awarded the Gene Roddenberry Award. This time our lucky winner was Zildjian! *whispers in a low voice to the readers* Personally we think he used his minions to persuade the contest in his favor, but we don't really know for sure *Speaks up again and looks at Zildjian giving her a strange look* I mean please welcome our very own Zildjian!

Ayanna: Question 1: What was your first reaction when you heard that you had won the Gene Roddenberry award?
Zildjian: I thought it was a joke for a moment *l*

Ayanna: Question 2: For those who don't know can you give us some examples of work that you do for the community?
Zildjian: I Direct the ISA. As such I am in charge of security related matters. (See for somewhat more of an indepth idea), Various graphics and awards, and I also assist the Welcoming Committee with new registrants. Other stuff unmentionable =K

Ayanna: Question 3: What sort of things can we expect in coming months from ISA?
Zildjian: A cure for lamerism. Safe chats. Cake. Mad people. Happy people. The fall of AOL. More mad and happy people.
*A small laughter can be heard from the Interview Room*

Ayanna: Question 4: We all know that in recent weeks you've had to deal with many complaints regarding ISA, How have you managed to handle those situation and do you feel that people misjudge all of the Department?
Zildjian: I take the attacking, public complaints with a grain of salt. Most of them are based off having hardly anywhere near the complete story, and as such, the ISA often is misjudged. It really isn't anything new, but it has been a busy topic! The line of us being acceptable to all is non-existant. We toughen up, people complain we're being dictators.. We lean out some, people complain we're not doing our jobs. =D It's always been a no win situation, but, nevertheless, we strive to keep the chats a fun and safe environment.

Ayanna: Time for some fun questions now that got some of the more toughy ones out of the way. So what's your favorite color?
Zildjian: I hate this question! *l* It depends on the object the color is to be on.

Ayanna: What is your favorite fruit?
Zildjian: Tomatoes?

Ayanna: What sort of sci-fi shows do you like?
Zildjian: Anything that isn't to far fetched. ST for a acceptable example.

Ayanna: Do you think star trek will ever end? And if it does do you think that Outpost10f will still remain as popular as it is today?
Zildjian: Well, ST kinda did die in a way, but its spirit shall live on for quite sometime I imagine. Since OTF is only partially themed as ST, and houses a vast sense of community and friendships, I'm sure it will be popular for some time.

Ayanna: Whats your favorite animal?
Zildjian: Monkies =D

Ayanna: Any other comments, questions or remarks for the readers?
Zildjian: A comment including questionable remarks seems fitting for this. ;)

Lt Cmdr Ayanna
OZD Agent


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