The Wizard Update

Article by Bryce

As most of you are probably aware, the Wizards will be hosting a Wheel of Time role playing game in the near future, using the d20 system. This role play is based off of the highly popular Wheel of Time series written by Robert Jordan; however, you do not need to have read any of the books to play, as they will only be used as the setting. Any Outpost 10F member with an interest in fantasy role playing are encouraged to participate. If you are interested, go here to learn more details and sign up. The date of this role playing will be set as soon as the Wizards get a definite number of members who wish to participate. Any questions, thoughts, or concerns on this role playing should be sent to the FY Sector Commander.

Additionally in this issue, I would like to recognize Phill for creating the Pirate chat top used in Minas Tirith for the Outpost 10F Pirate Weekend. Keep up with the great graphics, Phill! Also, the Wizards would like to bid farewell to Krillen as he resigns due to his busy life. ItÂ’s been a pleasure working with you Krillen, and I wish you the best with your endeavors.

Alivan (CL5)


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