ST Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Kayana

This month's ST Patron of the Month is CL5 Polson for her work in contributing the Blue Report! Congrats Pols! Without further ado..

1.Why do you think you won the award?

Because they didn't have an award for what it is I do around here and they just had to pick something unrelated in order to reward me for my efforts on the Blue Report. *l* I MIGHT be your most controversial interview...

2. What do you plan to do with your shiny award?

Bury it with all the other ones so that no one will ever know about it. Deep deep beneath Iain's underwear drawer. Where no sane person would ever go.

3. Anything else you'd like to add/dedicate this award to?

To Brady, for keeping the rolling of his eyes to a minimum when he gets an email from me demanding to know why on earth he's trying to give me an award for doing something else entirely.

I actually hadn't even been in chat the entire month for which I won the award. Maybe it was a "thanks for not buggin' us!" award.

Either that or a deliberate attempt to make pols mainstream ;)

Maybe. A bit odd the "patron" award to someone who hadn't been patroning anything but a fancy pants resort in mexico...mmmm...pina coladas...

Thanks Pols! :)


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