SW Patron of the Month Interview

Article by Bria

She's got a funky name, she's a rare sight these days, she spreads joy and smiles wherever she goes (even if she doesn't know what a gaff is)... October's SW Patron of the Month is none other than CL5 RPMObsession! I found her hiding in the Guilds catacombs reading The Aeneid, and scared some answers out of her... see below!

1. Congrats on the award! Why do you think you won it?
I have no idea. It could be because I'm so awesome. =P

2. What kind of work do you usually do around the gaff, then?
I work in Music Guild as TL, and I'm an Artist's Guild member.

3. If you weren't doing that... what would you be doing?
aving a life and hanging out with my friends.

4. "RPMObsession" - I think many people have asked themselves about that. How'd you come up with that name?
Well, I use to get really bored in my 7th grade Science class, and I was known for my music knowledge. It's always been a big part of my life, so I was trying to come up with a screenname that would reflect that. And, voila! I came up with RPMObsession - Rock, Punk, Metal Obsession. I even came up with a symbol for it. *l* As you can tell, I was really bored.

5. What do you imagine OTF would be like if it was actually real?
An all night rave club equipped with alcohol, weird music, and weird people.

6. If you could take one part of OTF and transfer it to real life, which part would you pick?
My music guild work. That way I can put it down for work experience. *l*

7. Finally... which colour Skittles taste the best?
They all taste the same to me, but I like the color red, so the red ones.

I'd like to thank RPMObsession for obliging me with answers on this one.

I didn't really scare the answers from her. Honest.
...just a bit. =(

Bria Terrik (CL7)
Senator of Corellia


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