Previous Issue Edition #16
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
February 2002

The Entertainment Section

by CL5 Zulin Jinn, AE of Entertainment

Over the recent weeks, the OTF library has slipped back into the shadows. In my mind one of the reasons for this is the lack of "Star Trek" reviews and reviewers. When asked about the lack of reviewers, Librarian Kali D’or said, "I think mainly because the members who are TF affiliated aren't book readers, at least not of the "Star Trek" genre'."

She also added, "There can be a real differentiation between the Original Series Fans, and the newer series. Many of them don't cross back and forth between the series and would only read one series of books."

Kali says that the problem is that the majority of the "Star Trek" fans out there are adults and don’t have time to read. Her solution is to get the younger fans into reading from the series that they are familiar with, then convince our adult members to read more.

When asked who make the best reviewers, Kali replied, "The best reviewers are the ones who really love to read, and read many different kinds of books. That is one of the reasons we offer different sections in the library."

When the question arose about what she looks for in a good review she replied, "I look for a few different things. First, a good clear synopsis of what the book is about, without giving away any secrets. Next, a good reviewer talks about the characters, and how the author brings them to life. If the author does not do that well, a good reviewer will explain why it didn't work."

She also added, "But the most important thing is that the reviewer convinces the reader to go read the book."

Be sure to look out for some upcoming changes at the library. The Library will be adding new "Star Wars" pages: one for the "Original Trilogy", and one for the "Expanded Universe." In addition, the timeline will be revised and link to all the "Star Wars" reviews. Also coming soon, the Outpost Library will be hosting a discussion group in the near future. When I asked Kali about the new group she replied, "We will be inviting all the members of OTF to join us to discuss why they read what they read, and what they like and dislike in what they read. We are hoping to kick this off in mid-February with a discussion on science fiction and cross-over authors."

So get out there and read a book. Review it. And watch for upcoming changes at the Outpost Library.


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