Previous Issue Edition #16
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
February 2002

by guest writer Lt. Mezoti Lynne Eierman Sun

We got there about three hours early for I didn’t want to be late. (We ended up getting lost on the way.) We checked in and I wandered around the hotel, waiting for it to begin. Then I ran across some people waiting, too, and we talked. One of them, B.J., was at her first convention and we helped her get used to it. A few minutes later we got our tags and I ran back to my room and gave my Dad his. Then we went back downstairs and by then a whole bunch of people had shown up. That Friday we didn’t do much other than watch "Trekkies" and look around. We also found out that Manu Intiraymi (Icheb on Voyager) was there.

Later on in the elevator I meet Jessica, and we talked for about five minutes. Then I turned in, but the next day I meet up with her and her cousin Patrick. For the next two days we spend almost ALL the time together. We sort of followed Manu around. While he was on stage, someone couldn’t say his name and called him "Itchy" after Icheb. So Jess and I walked around saying "Itchy;" we even created a language "Itchyium" with "Itchy" being the ONLY word!! Everyone thought we were nuts. So we hung out all day, even meeting a Klingon Santa.

Then that night there was a dinner and Jess wasn’t coming, so I ate and we got our pictures taken with the stars. I even got my picture taken with Manu. I ran upstairs, told Jess, and she came down and pointed Manu out. She went back upstairs and I watched Leonard Nimoy and John deLancie! Once that ended, there was a dance, but almost EVERYONE left; then Jess, Patrick, a few other kids, and I talked about "Star Trek" and hid from each other because we were daring each other to dance with everyone else. We talked till 12:30.

The next day while I was sleeping my Dad took Max Grodenchik to the airport because his cab never came!! Then Jess and I changed "Itchyium" to "IchKen" cause we wanted to meet deLancie’s son, Keegan

So ends my convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 23-25, 2001.


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