Previous Issue Edition #16
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
February 2002

The Classifieds Section

Lieutenant Commander JD

The new Classifieds Section is (finally) active! It's a slow start, but it's a beginning, right? Anyway, a quick guideline for classifieds submitions seems to be in order. First off, information is good. Bloated is bad. THere's a difference. Supply allof the relevant information, and let everything else be unless someone asks you personally. Though, more relevent information you think of to plug into an ad, the better chance it has to be answered. Simply saying "I'm Random Chatter and I'd like to join a department," doesn't really tell us anything, and there's pretty much a guarantee it won't be answered, even if it was actually was posted. On the other hand, saying "I'm Random Chatter, I know HTML, JS, and DHTML, here's an example of my work, etc," would most definitely be posted and would most likely get a response (Possibly by me..I could use a JS peep.) within a few days, most likely.

Now, if you want to post something with the exception of a resume, you have to determine if it's really suitable for the classifieds. Just saying "Hey, I'm here!" is basically a waste of time, because it won't be posted. If you want people to visit your site, fine, but don't just say "visit my site,' actually tell us what the site is. Gives us a summary, an example, something that'll actually tell us something. Remember, at least one person, possibly more, is going to review the ads before they are processed.

As usual, please send your ads via the submission form. Any concerns or questions regarding your resumes/ads will be dealt with through me at Lt. Commander JD. (And please remember to keep ALL prime directives in mind when writing those resumes/ads. Any material deemed inappropriate by those same prime directives will NOT be posted.)

Proceed to the form to submit an ad or a resume.


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