ST Patron of the Month

Article by Q (The One!)

I had the rare and most priviliged opportunity to interview one of OTF's favorite patrons. And he was quick to reply; I give you FM, the Man in the Hat, the man of the hour, the one, the only.

1) ST Patron of the Month, what exactly does that mean to you?
Erm, ok this award is like any award i've ever won. It's bestowed upon you becuase your peers feel that you were most worthy of it.

2) Any idea or reason as to why you think you have won this award?
Everyone else had already won it. =)

3) If given the opportunity to win it all over again, would you have done it differently?
I'm not quite sure what you mean with this question. I won it for doing what I do best apparently and that's being myself. And seeing as i'm not about to change myself, i'm not going to.

4) Now that we got the guts out of the way, any advice, tricks, who to bribe, that sort of thing you would be willing to share with us and our readers?
Erm, bribes and tricks in my humble opionion are immoral and deceitful, so i use them to the utmost. All i can really say is, be yourself it's you people want to know not some internet facade.

5) I forgot one part of the guts of questions :), is there anybody who you would like to thank, curse, spit on their grave and so on?
What exactly am I thanking people for? But if its for the non-existant Oscar i've just won. I'd thank Jesus mostly. He rocks.

6) How long have you been an OTF member? Anything that has been a great moment for you while being a member of such a wonderful chat :D?
I've been a member for what, 5 odd years now.
Great moments define us, and I think the far more imprtant moments in my life were defined outside of the chat. Of course the chat is a good palce to unwind and talk about frivilous things but to be honest, I don't really remember any singular great moment in chat. One that does stick out in my memory is when Saddam was captured and i was translating what the arab journalists were chanting during the news conference. That's about it mostly.

7) Where do you see yourself in the next 45 Seconds, 6 days, 3 months, 8 years?
Either dead, or doing something important with my life, i really don't see myself chained to my computer until the end of my days.

8) Being an OLD OTFer, such as myself, how has OTF changed since you first remembered it? Did it get better or worse?
Well, change is a good thing isn't it, thats what most people think, I myself have seen a lot of changes and so have many other folks, but at OTF it's not so much changes as more history repeating itself. Although Iain's ego is a lot bigger than back when he joined. So worse really =)

9) Last and final question, between Iain and Polgara, in a dual, who would win?
Polgara without a shadow of a doubt. Iain is all talk. ;)

There you have it, straight out of his mouth, Iain is nothing but talk. Thank you for you time FM, keep up the great and outstanding work you do for this community. With that, this is your Friendly and Polgara's Q, Signing out.


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