Senate Update: Alive and kicking!

Article by Bria

Hey hey!

So, the time has finally come where we bring you the latest news, and of course gossip, from the Senate chamber. Well, when I say "we", I do of course mean "I", because somebody delegated the task to me while he's off enjoying himself in the mountains. I hope they fall on him. Wait, he's back? Move along, nothing to see here!

July saw a lot of debating and plotting, and very little action; August saw July, and nearly gave up and went home. And Bria gave August and September a miss and went back to relating events that took place in July. Although there isn't much to tell; the Senate mailing list was abuzz with suggestions, comments, and above all threats, but nothing really came of it. July was, mainly, a month of survival - Hobbie survived his encounter with me, I survived my encounter with AJ, AJ survived his encounter with a bush, and the Senate not only survived but reportedly thrived in our absense. Coincidence, I say!

Another thing of note was our Avatar Competition, which was won by the very talented FM! You've probably seen him parading around the CCC with his new avatar... congrats, FM!

And then, of course, there was the anniversary. Somebody even organised a Senate event whereby several of our number were unceremoniously auctioned off. Investigations are still on-going, but current evidence points to the culprit as being one Senator QD, mistress of all things disco, gin and small furry animals. Watch this space for more information, although in all likelihood, none will be forthcoming.

The anniversary also saw several Senators receiving various awards, titles, and cleanup duty slots. I want to offer my congratulations to everyone concerned at this point, especially to Jaden – the janitor's uniform really suits you!

This month – or rather, recent days – have also seen us lose another of our members: AJ, Senator of Onderon and all-around stud, has reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances involving a blender, a pair of magnets, and a small hairdryer (travel size). I want to take this opportunity to thank him, on behalf of the Senate, for everything he's done, and to wish him good luck with whatever the future holds for him!

The bad news (I am not implying that AJ disappearing is good news! Shut up!) is that you're all going to be stuck with me for the time being – at least until they get the blender working again.

And with that, I leave you to reflect upon what you have just read, and get back to digging my grave for when various people read this.

Clear skies to you!

Bria Terrik (CL7)
Senator of Corellia


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