George Lucas Award interview

Article by Bria

After a long, dry spell without any awards or Blue Reports or interviews or basically anything else - here's one for ya!

Jaden Korr won the George Lucas Award at the anniversary, even though she seemed quite unaware of this when I asked her for an interview. Maybe news travels slower than we all thought, internet and such things aside? But here's the interview!

1. So, the George Lucas award... are you proud?
It belonged to me anyway in the first place, like the Senate... and the entire Galaxy... and all the thermal detonator too... oh and all the chocolat sunday *nods*

2. Do you have anyone to thank for it - aside from yourself?
humm other then me? hummm.... all the Senator, curropted ones of course, who voted for me. Well am a dark lord of the Sith what did you expect? a fair win? hahaha

3. What was the best thing about being Star Wars SC?
hummm abuse of power, abuse of Hobbie, abuse of the Senators of course... oh yeah and abuse of the Armory... *hugs all of her thermal detonator* yes my little babies, mommy loves you so much...

4. What's the best thing about OTF, in your opinion?
Me!... humm I mean the people of course, I mean they elected me after all hahahaha

5. If you could say anything to Mr. Lucas, what would it be?
We want more Star Wars man, go to your desk now and work on it!

6. Which Star Wars character is your favourite, and why?
You cant ask me that! There is to many to chose from... Han Solo for the classic trilogy for sure and I would have to say Obi-Wan for the new trilogy. But the best of them all is Yoda of course, he can kick buts and still be short! lol

7. Do you ever miss being able to blame Hobbie for everything? Have you even stopped?
Of course I never stopped blaming Hobbie... though I do miss shooting his but out of the room in a daily bases. Hehe

8. Finally - Gungans or Ewoks?
Gungans for target practice and Eworks for cuddling. What!?! not my fault Gungans are so annoying and Ewoks so cute and fury and adorable.... plus they really kick buts. there you have it, folks. I'd like to thank Jaden for taking my word for it that she'd won an award, and subjecting herself to this interrogation on good faith. *g*

Bria Terrik (CL7)
Senator of Corellia
Neither Gungan nor Ewok.


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