Senate Update: The wind of change

Article by Bria

Ah yes, change is the big word these days, apparently. And of course it doesn't work without a good solid debate, which is still kind of ongoing in case you want to have your say and haven't already. I always find debates very interesting and very messy. Everyone has an opinion and everyone thinks they're right and in the end, we're all going to have to compromise anyway because that's how these things work. But I find it quite impressive, too, that something which started off as a mere chatroom has become such a big thing that we can actually have arguments about various aspects of it. It's all incredibly complex, if you think about it.

But that's enough philosophising, lest you think I'm trying to distract from the actual point of this article – the goings-on of the Senate. Because stuff did happen! First and foremost, we had the 30th anniversary forum party, which is over now but was quite fun at the time. We have four different themes over four weeks, which ended up being five weeks because we skipped a week in between. Never mind. But if you were there, you know what happened. If you weren't – shame on you!

Also, we've had to say goodbye to one of our number as Osiris resigned back in September. Among other things, everyone's favourite Kesselian (which is now an adjective) Senator was fundamental in brainstorming and implementing the Wookiee affiliation. So on behalf of the Senate, I'd like to wish Osiris the best of luck with whatever the future holds. Thank you for all your contributions!

Apart from that, not much has been going on. I've been enjoying myself, though, if that's any consolation. And you should read the rest of the Blue Report, and do the same thing. Go on, it'll be a laugh.

Clear skies!

Bria Terrik
Senator of Corellia


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