Interview with CL9 Iain, winner of the Gene Rodenberry Award

Article by Kayana

1)Who or what, did you have to bribe for the Gene Rodenberry Award?
"Or what"? The great sorceress in the sky that they call Kayana, and her devilish sidekick, Dmitri.

2) What were your first thoughts upon receiving it?
"I have received the Gene Roddenberry award. What's for dinner?" is probably an accurate recreation of those thoughts.

3)Any reflections/comments about receiving this award?
In the words of Bob Servant, "The thing is Xiong, you're over there in China and I'm here in Broughty Ferry. But you're just a man and I'm just a man. We're all just men. Apart from women."

4)Any advice for peeperoonies who want to win this award this year?
Stop being an tasty, spicy pizza topping, and I'll stop eating you.

5)Name 5 things you would like to thank for this award
Brandi's: cookies, grilled cheeses, Taco Bell ordering skillz, and her putting up with my stomach.

And inability to count to 5.

Without creating a paradox.

Many thanks and Congratulations to Iain!


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