MCM Belfast Comic Con Experiences

Article by Cameron

I recently attended MCM Belfast Comic Con on 7-8 June. I attended both days and while I was stuck in line for about line in two hours in rain (Yes, U.K weather is always rain) I still had an utterly amazing time!

The first day was mainly me and my Girlfriend walking around the convention area for about three hours, checking out some of the utterly amazing cosplays and just browse around all the stalls with the nerdy stuff which we all want and crave but would end up making us bankrupt.

The people who hosted both the Red Dwarf Panel and the Cosplay Masquerade were really awesome guys, and to be honest neither me or my Girlfriend had any problems at the event. Everyone was just really laid back and just extremely awesome.

While the second day was just a tad more exciting, we started off by attending the Red Dwarf Panel which had Hattie Hayridge (Holly), Robert Llewellyn (Kryton) and Chris Barrie (Rimmer) which was an amazing experience and for any Red Dwarf fans they are beggining a new series in 2015 which I personally am overjoyed about!

After the panel I also got a quick selfie with Kryton and Rimmer and they are some of the mosty down to Earth people I've ever met, if you get the chance to go to a Con or Panel and they're there, I suggest you get there because they are not to be missed.

The last thing which we attended before heading home was the Cosplay Masquerade which was fantastic, it was basically an event were certain people who volunteered and then were interviewed about there cosplays, how they made them, how long it took and what materials they used. After that they were given the chance to show off their cosplays in front of a crowd and then be judged about their cosplays. The winners were; Amy from Sonic and a Character from Dark Souls II which were very awesome to say the least.

We didn't attend all of the events or meet all the special guests but the Red Dwarf panel was definitely one which I'm glad I didn't miss, there was everything from Anime, Gaming and of course TV shows!

If you get the chance to go to a Con, Just go, It is just fun for everything involved no matter what you prefer whether it be Anime, Gaming, Cosplay, Card battles or just meeting new people!


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