Stargate Project

Article by Mr Numbahs

The Stargate Chatroom is a project under development by;
CL6 Numbahs
CL5 Fail
CL5 Robert Atkins
CL5 Darth Rezal
CL5 Soran.

The main idea of the Stargate Room is to appease the fans of the Original Movie, 3 spin-off shows and the extra movies in the OTF Community.

We're hoping that with proper integration by the InDev team you can enter the Stargate room just like other rooms say Ten Forward,CCC and Kings Landing and it'll be awesome.

We've found word that there will be a Stargate Reboot. We're hoping to have the room done before then, so when new fans come around due to the reboot,we'll be the one place with a proper room and the OTF Community will grow as a whole.

With awesome help from our awesome VC Tanya, we have narrowed down what we need and how to do it to accomplish this goal. We've dished out tasks like avatars and icons and such split between all of us so no one is over tasked and it's equal work for all.

In extra notes;
I'm not going to lie. This is a doozy of a task. However I feel with the dedication of the team and the overall intrest of the Stargate Universe put together we'll accomplish this and the OTF Community will really enjoy the outcome.


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