Editor's Message

Article by Richard Smith

Hello everyone I’m Rich Smith the Editor of the Blue Report. Thanks for checking out this month’s Issue. We’ve got a pretty full issue this month. T’Pel provides another recap of the Simming Teams Activities, and also regales us with another epic tale of her own. Sarek searched high and low and has a listing of open positions around the Outpost. Numbers has pulled down some interesting items and as always the agony aunt is ready to give you a good laugh. And we’d like to welcome our latest addition CL4 Kady. She has reviewed a fiction novel and you’ll be seeing more from her. Cameron also has his chat save contribution this month.

Speaking of Cameron, He’s decided to leave the Blue Report Staff in favor of a new position in the Entertainment department. We wish him the best of luck.

Also bidding farewell to the team is Starfinder Warp. You’ll notice that his brain teasers are not included in this month’s issue. That’s because he has opted to step back from the team. While it was a surprise to me I understood his reasoning and wish him the best as well.

Both Cameron and Starfinder Warp will be missed and we thank them for their contributions over the years.

Thanks everyone for checking out this month’s issue and we’ll see you all in chat…… Smith out


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