Simming Update

Article by T'Pel Kestra

Simming Update from ATL T'Pel of the Simming Team

Granted we did not have the same turn out for this round of our Sim, but that did not stop our crew. Once they had made their way to the Nisa's test sight, there was an overload that sent the Nisa into an overload. Sending the crew scrambling to figure out just what went wrong.

With further investigation, it was learned that the overload signal had come from the Pulsar, sending their Captain into a near panic frenzie as the signal had been sent from the Ambassador's position on the bridge.

Few survived from the Nisa, but survivors and debris were instantly being rounded up to continue the investigation. While Captain T'Pel cornered the Ambassador in Engineering in an attempt to get to the bottom of the issue. Going as far as threatening an invasion into his mind for the answers.

What will happen next? Will the crew be able to gather the information they need to prove their innocence in the matter? Will T'Pel conduct a breach of personal Vulcan and Betazoid code to gain the information? Tune in for the next episode to find out and see!


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