EC Update

Article by Polson

Well this fall mostly the TL's were involved in the Halloween festivities. A big kudos there to Ohm and Soka who contributed the most on that front! Thanks guys!

Upcoming is Christmas, and it's been left up to the TL's discretion what their individual teams would like to contribute for the holiday. If you aren't on a team but you have some ideas, please happily contact myself or Hobbie.

Also on that note, if you have an idea for a team, or would like to lead a team, or join a team, please come to us! We're looking for fresh blood.

As for myself, Hal, Iain and Hobbie, we're still here. HA. Thought you got rid of us, didn't you. In all seriousness, Iain is in the throes of wedding planning while doing my bidding when I ask, Hal's been having a ton of computer trouble plus there's this rumor going around that he's married and going to school, but I think that's just propoganda, and as for me, well I just blame Hobbie.

I’m just a figment of your imagination,

Acting-like-a-rear Admiral


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