New, But Still Blue

Article by Polson

Howdy! So here it is, the latest issue. We've shaken up the mix a little bit, adding Bria's story (which I love and left me wanting more and wondering about Eagle's mental health), the "letter to the editor" section I've named "whadyathink?" and a look at specific Teams around the changing face of OTF. We're looking at revamping the Rank-o-matic and adding a report from the E.C. with each issue. If you have any suggestions about what should be added to the Blue Report please let us know!

I realized that I should probably write some sort of editorial here, seeing how it is the editor's spot. So here it is: have patience.

No, I haven't lost my marbles, it's just Fats said something to me earlier while helping me with HTML (they don't require HTML skills from the BR editor - isn't that FAB?) and he reminded me of something else. I was actually looking around OTF the other day (you know how I like to wander) thinking about the recent changes made and I thought to myself, " looks the same."[ed. note: The Fleet Admiral read a draft of this and pointed out that it's taken two months to get everything looking like nothing has changed. That server change was no small matter.] And then I kind of got all indignant thinking, "Well wait a minute, they disbanded all the departments in anticipation of this big merging of the chat rooms and changing of the system and yet nothing's going on. How dare they upset my world without bothering to actually upset it!" Of course after reminding myself that the internet does not revolve around me, I also got to thinking, "Wow...that's a huge task. Iain must be swamped, especially since instead of working on the new face of OTF he's been busy trying to make my email work."

I guess my point is, they bit off a lot with the changes and a lot of them are things that get built and then displayed. Like "we're going to build a house over there" doesn't mean they drop a completed house on the lawn and say "there you go!" Somebody has to build it and then Ty comes out and yells, "Driver, move that bus!!!" And you won't really see everything until you get living in it and then you find out that the front door doesn't close all the way and the floorboards creak and the toilet runs day and night. And while you're fixing those problems, more problems crop up. And then one day you realize you've been in that house for two years and the floorboards still creak but you're so used to it that you don't even notice anymore. Then Iain comes over and says "Hey I know, let's rip up this hardwood and lay down computer monitors so that it looks like the Matrix!" Then you kick him out and get a guard dog.

Okay back to my point; change takes time and patience. If you want it to go a little faster I see two options for you. A: take a chill pill. B: pick up a hammer and start nailing.

Bring back the Box!

Blue Report Editor


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