Team Trivia: An Inside Look

Article by Polson

As part of the Blue Report's new format we're including a look at the teams that are currently up and running in the wake of the departmental assimilation. If you've got a team and you want folks to know what it's all about, then drop us a line at the Blue Report and we'll send someone over right away to check it out. And by right away I mean eventually.

So for this issue I hunted down Majin and asked him a few questions about the Trivia Team. He tried his best to be funny so if you see him make sure you give him some sympathy laughs.

1. Trivia has been one of the longest standing teams. Why do you think that is?
I think it's important to have events in OTF that are fun and that everyone (or just about everyone) can take part in. I mean, listening to trivia contests on the radio is fun, and it if you don't know something that's being asked, you learn something new! That's what I feel trivia is: a fun, educational event for all ages! *hold out arm* But you must be this tall to ride the ride.

2. What's your dream trivia event?
Well, I want the world to become a place where the sun is always shining and the air smells like warm root beer and the towels are oh so fluffy; where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long and anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! *sighs* Oh, my dream trivia event? Whoops... Well, I'd personally like an event based around Marvel Comics/Spider-Man, but realistically, I'd like a really active Trivia where new people were winning (but the usual winners would still be there) and everything was just happy and funny. Stuff like that. So, pretty much, it's a like almost every event, but multiplied by 10.

3. What is the secret to winning silly points?
It's a secret. Duh.

4. What or who do you think has been the greatest contribution(s) to the trivia division in the past year?
Our single greatest contribution is teamwork. And intelligence. Our two greatest contributions are teamwork and intelligence. And variety. Our three- *stops self before this gets too silly*

5. Is it true that Soka doesn't do anything but merely gloms off your talent and takes all the credit?
No. It's the other way around. Soka does all the work. I take the credit.

6. What are your hopes for the future of trivia in light of the recent changes around OTF?
Three words: Live nude girls. Okay, seriously, we do have plans in store for Trivia. I don't want to go into all of it because we're still not 100% sure on what we're doing, and the meeting hasn't taken place yet, but I'll let you in on one of the changes we hope to bring: more topics. Be on the look-out for the changes soon-ish.

7. Here is your own special place to tell everyone to join Trivia, and tell them how awesome and fun your team is. Go!
*takes deep breath* Join Trivia. We bake awesome cookies, pies, and cake. And you get to work with some of the friendliest people in OTF (not me, I'm not friendly. I'm often compared to Doctor Doom). And you get to put your knowledge (whatever your specialty is) to great use.

8. Any other comments?
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. And eat your vegetables!

Will do. I especially enjoy asparagus cooked in butter and garlic. Thanks Majin!

Let 'er rip,

Blue Report Editor


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