The Journey back to the Shire

Article by Aleka

I type in my command code and I hit enter, this could be the very last time that I hit this button. Soon, Minas Tirth will be merged with Ten Forward, The Cloud City Cantina, the D'Deridex and the Rotarran. The Outpost as we know it will exist no more. Over the years many changes have come to the outpost but only one so severe as this one. Many years ago, when the Outpost was on the extremely old intergate server and the choice was made to move and expand, people wondered if “Ten Forward” would ever be the same. Many years have passed since then and yet not only has the outpost survived, it’s thrived.

Fearing the unknown has been a part of humanity, but curiosity sparked us to reach out and try knew things. We learned how to make fire, how to survive and how the thrive. This time is no different. We must be brave, we must venture into uncharted territory because if things always remain the same, there is no room for growth.

This may very well be the last Wizards update but the presence of Minas Tirth will always felt because we are more than people who belong to a specific sector, we are your friends. We will be wherever you are, whatever the outpost may be, we will be there because we are a part of this wonderful community.

CL5 Aleka


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