DSC Decisions

This is an account of the discussion that took place in the Senate on the day that Jaden resigned. Events were recorded by the Chamber Cam and later transcribed by a nameless individual, who shall remain nameless to avoid any "accident" involving mops or thermal detonators. Enjoy!

Listen up, people! I'm leaving. I have better things to do with my time than sitting around terrorising you lot. You're no fun. So from now on, Hobbie's in charge.

You couldn't just leave, you had to deliver that final parting blowÂ… uhm, no offence, Hobbie. Sir.

Shut up, Majin. And go clean the kitchen, it's a mess. Again. Now, since I'm SC, we need a new DSC, so let's –

In fairness, that's because you left it that way.

So what? I'm in charge, you heard the lady. If I feel like cleaning the kitchen, I will. But I don't, so you guys get to do it instead.

He's been in charge for less than a minute and already I hate him.

Queen Demon
Hey now, let's not be too harsh. Have some cake, everyone!

Cynara (looks up from her book)
Oooh, cake. Thanks, QD!

I'll have the cake, but I'm not cleaning the kitchen. Don't we have droids for that?

We did, but Bria took them apart for spare parts and sold them on the black market.

I did not!

Yes you did! I was there!

I agree with AJ!

You two aren't even in the Senate, you don't belong into this script. Get out!

I can't believe you sold our droids.

Why are we talking about droids? We're supposed to be deciding on a new DSC!

Bria (to Majin)
Here's a mop and bucket.

You know, I think it'd be a good idea to just buy some new droids. Can't be that difficult.

This cake is really nice. Can I have some more?

Is anyone even listening to me?

Majin (to Bria)
I'm not cleaning the kitchen! Why don't you do it?

Queen Demon
More cake! Here you go, KypD! D'you want some gin with that?

Bria (to Majin)
Because I'm not the one who messed it up.

Neither am I!

You two are worse than kids!

I don't think KypD should be drinking gin, she's underage.

Will you all shut up and listen to me?

Be quiet, Hobbie, will you? You're starting to annoy me.

Hobbie takes the mop and hits Bria over the head with it. Majin catches Bria before she hits the floor, and Hobbie empties the bucket over both.

Now will you listen?!

Queen Demon
You're never too young to drink gin, or too old to enjoy waterslides!

Majin (dripping)

Thank you. Now, I was considering –

Osiris (walking in)
What the heck is going on? I can hear you all the way over in the armory!

Jaden's gone, Hobbie's in charge, and has started beating everyone up.

KypD (taking another sip from her drink)
Yup. He's a tyre... tyra... tie-die... tired... a whaddayacallit. *nods, hiccups*

Must be something about being a Supreme Chancellor.

Hobbie (yelling)
I am NOT beating everyone up! I'm trying to get things organised here!

Violence is not the answer, you know.

KypD collapses into fits of giggles, Cynara narrowly avoids choking on her drink, and Majin's features spread into a wide grin. Even Queen Demon and Soka can't quite hide their amusement.

Hobbie (shaking his head)
I can't believe I got myself into this.

Bria (gathering herself up)
I can't believe you knocked me out!

Iain (innocently)
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

For the last time, Iain, get out of my script!

Hobbie (glaring at Bria)
Your script?!

CT (walking in)

Everyone stands to attention by reflex, except KypD, who clings to Soka and waves daintily, clutching Bria's sketchbook like a fan.

I can't believe the noise in here. I've had enough of you lot. Hobbie, if this happens again, you're all fired. AJ and Iain, make yourselves useful and take that mop off Bria. Soka, get KypD to bed, please. Cynara, Queen Demon, get this place cleaned up. Osiris, step away from the thermal detonator. Majin, go clean the kitchen. And I don't want to hear another sound outta here until tomorrow at least.

CT turns around and walks back out. Silence descends on the room, only interrupted by KypD's hiccups. Cynara rescues Bria's sketchbook from KypD. Osiris takes one last look at the thermal, sighs, and shuffles out, armory-wards. AJ hands Majin the mop. Iain finishes the last of the cake.

Majin (looking at the mop in his hand)


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