The One-Zero Division's Update

Article by Kayana

Greetings from the OZD HQ~! We've had a lot of exciting things happen at OZD so we can't wait to fill you guys in!

First off, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Agents: CL5 Polson, CL7 Dave/Plugboy and CL8 Babel! I am sure they will do a great job and not leave Brady's office too dirty. Or at the very least, convince Brady that peanut shells just adds to the place. ;)

I've also took over the role of ST DSC which was a welcome surprise and I look forward to working with more of you within my role! It's been a fun time so far, despite Hobbie's attempts to earn me the rank of Executive Council's Cook. :@ Grrr...

The OZD, with the approval of the EC, has also launched TF's Design your own Chattop Competition! See the Updates Board for further details. Basically, we will be implementing a rotating chattop interface on a trial run. OTFers can submit chattops according to their affiliation preference (Borg, Klingon, Civilian etc) with all submissions to be made to We look forward to seeing your contributions/ideas.

That's it from the OZD, have a good one!

CL6 Kayana
OZD's Blue Report's Editor


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