Previous Issue Edition #19
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
June 2002

The World Cup is here, dread it
by CL5 missMaul

Many of you know that this year is the football World Cup (I'll call it football, not soccer if you don't mind). For many months they've been reminding us when it is and who's playing, there were all kinds of qualification matches and finally it has arrived. But wait, finally! I mean, unfortunately. This means three weeks of just football on television and it will take up a lot of space in the newspapers. All because of a sport I'm not interested in because there's just too much of it, at least in Western Europe. I prefer watching Roland Garros or field hockey or anything else (except maybe curling). But no, now we have to watch every football match there is. From England against Sweden, to Argentina against Korea. My country (The Netherlands) won't even be competing and I thought that maybe they wouldn't show it. Idle hope, because they had already bought the rights to show it. What don't I like about football then? Well mostly the fans (no offence) and the money that goes around in that business and what it does to the players. And the fact that it's on too much. Every time someone turns on a sports program and I can't see it, but can hear it, I know when it's football. It's all the noise the fans make, the shouting and cheering at every moment of the game. I don't say cheering isn't good, but can't the audience ever be quiet. You should try making that much noise during a tennis match. Day.

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