Previous Issue Edition #19
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
June 2002

Game Review - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast by Comm. KittyKat

Set nine years after Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast once again puts you in the role of Kyle Katarn, a Han Solo-ish kinda guy who, as a Jedi in the previous game, nearly succumbed to the dark side of the Force. Kyle has since forsaken his role as a Jedi Knight - giving up his Force powers.
As the game opens, Kyle and his partner Jan Ors, are sent on a supposedly routine mission for the New Republic to check out a remote planet where Imperial transmissions have been intercepted. Of course, things then get very complicated very fast, and Kyle must once again take on the Empire-and confront his powers as a Jedi Knight. You also get to meet old star wars friends along the way.

The most noticeable thing about a lot of games today is that have an interesting storyline behind them - Resident Evil (I don't recommend the movie BTW), Half Life and Jedi Knight II: Outcast. As you play, the game progresses so does the story and its actually quite involving. There are a number of scripted events and dialogues but they aren't too distracting or over the top.

Jedi Outcast takes place in a series of huge, engaging levels (many of them outdoors) that combine first person shooter action with fairly simple puzzle solving. Most of the puzzles are the standard jumping and reflex puzzles, which can sometimes be annoying, but there are also a few logic/mind puzzles. The main problems arise from trying to find some incredibly difficult to locate crawl through spaces (I love online walk through guides).

After the first mission you can switch from first person shooter to a third person lightsabre swinging hack and slasher at your own convenience - and if you know the cheat code get yourself a nice purple lightsabre! This might not be for the faint hearted though as you can slice off storm trooper body parts! You also gain force powers, your ability in which improves as the game progresses (I love force choke-hehe).

It's a well designed gamed, challenging, fast paced and easy to get absorbed in with a well developed lead character. I'd definitely recommend it to any Star Wars fans or dedicated gamers! My only problem is the teeth...what's with all the over bite? Has the New Republic not heard of braces?


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