Editor's Message

Article by Richard Smith

Welcome to December! I hope you are all looking forward to the Holiday season, as I have a couple of little ones under foot, I know my family is looking forward to it. I hope that we see a lot more of each other over the coming weeks so we can share in the season together.

Some things I’d like to make you aware of:
The Forums: These have been pretty quiet lately and we’d like to see them active again. I know Facebook has kind of taken the place of the Forums as of late, but the more we use the forums, the better we can do when people are searching for us. So make it a point to start a thread.

Classifieds: Make sure to check these out each month. The Department heads are hiring and are looking for talent. It doesn’t matter if you have a ton of experience or are a novice, if you want to get involved we will find a place for you.

Recruiting: I know you are asking yourself “How would I recruit for OTF?” and it’s really not hard. For instance, if you are going to be seeing the now Hobbit movie when it comes out, plug our Lord of the Rings Chat. If you are on another fan site make sure to throw a link up now and again. You never know how might be looking for something cool like OTF.

Now in this month’s issue, we’ll have our Facebook update, more Tastes from the Outpost Holiday Edition, the USS Maxwell Simming Update and more.?

Thanks for reading this month’s issue and Merry Christmas to those that celebrate. See you all in the New Year!


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