Trips in OTF's Future...

Article by Richard Smith

So with the first major OTF Union in years in the books, we thought we would ask Team Leader Robert Werner, AKA Mr. Numbers, what is going on with the team right now. Unions team is looking forward to many more get-togethers in the future.

BR: So what is new with Unions Team?

RW: We're now planning a couple years out. This gives us time to perfect the Union for better fun for all.

BR: That sounds interesting. What was the logic behind that?

RW: The 2013 Union had some flaws,I want to make sure that doesn't happen again.

BR: So where is the team planning to take us next?

RW: Numbers: Minneapolis, MN

BR: Middle of the Country huh?

RW: Numbers: With middle of America we have a better chance of more and more people coming.

BR: Any special plans?

RW: The Mall of America is full of fun stuff. I'm sure the special plans will come along.

BR: Sweet. So where to next?

RW: That one is still in the works, we have a date and place but I'm trying to keep it under wraps until the next Union is done. I had fun presenting the upcoming Union at the Anniversary, maybe that can be a thing.

BR: Alright. How can OTFers submit locations for consideration?

RW: they can toss the ideas to my email at If the idea doesn't seem to crazy I'll discuss it with my team,see what we can do.

BR: Where can people keep up to date on what’s going on as the unions get closer?

RW: Updates Board, Forums, asking Unions Team Members.

BR: Sounds good. Thanks for the update!

RW: Yup. No Problem.


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