Editor's Message

Article by Richard Smith

Well once again the Anniversary has come and gone and things are getting back to normal. I am here to tell you though, we should keep the spirit of the Anniversary all year long. Look at what happens during our Annual Celebration... Lots of people come around, have a ton of fun at the events, and just have a great time. Exactly what should be happening about the Outpost everyday. Keep that in mind when you come in. Make sure those newbies feel welcome. Make sure to find a place to plug in and make the community better.

Ok in this month's issue we'll recap the awards and promotions given out during the anniversary, Rob Atkins shares another Taste of the Outpost, we'll get lost in the world of the USS T'Kumbra thanks to T'Pel, and Paulie recaps the Blue Report on Facebook Articles.

Thanks for reading this month's Blue Report. I'll see you all in Chat. Smith out.


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