New Member with CL3 Priscilla

Article by Mr Numbahs

1) Please,tell us about yourself. =)

A) I'm a mother of 2 and I'm the one that deals with the guy you call Numbers.

2) How did you find OTF? =)

A) CL6 Numbers got me into it.

3) You in any teams? If not,what team would you join?

A)Not yet, haven't really got the time just yet.

4) Who is your favorite,or top 3 in OTF?

A)Numbers, Mela and Smith.

5) I heard a romour you play Xbox, what is your favorite game?

A) Call of Duty Black Ops II on. And I'm awesome at it.

6) So when do you tie the knot?

A) October, same month as my birthday!

7) If you could beat someone on Xbox,what would say as a snappy combat?

A) Well I can't say,it's rather vulgar. lol

8) How did you come up with your handle name?

A) It's my name? lol

9) If you could meet anyone from OTF in person,who and why?

A) Mela, because I like her, she seems pretty neat.

10) We all get annoyed with each other sometimes,if you could beat up or pick on someone,who would it be and why?

A) Numbers, because I can.


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