Blue Report on Facebook Recap

Article by Paulie

The Outpost 10F Blue Report on Facebook page has been a hotbed of activity lately, brimming with news from multiple science fiction universes. These stories cover goings on with Star Trek connections (both pre and post-reboot), to the first bits of information and speculation about the upcoming Star Wars movie (trilogy?), information and speculation on Doctor Who Season 8 (or 34, if you count it that way), Ghostbusters, Heroes, Firefly and Orphan Black.

In early February, there was news that Scott Bakula would star in a new spinoff of NCIS. Then, Leonard Nimoy, “Spock Prime” as he’s now known (He’s not a transformer, dangit!) announced that he had been diagnosed with COPD after years of smoking.

There’s a great little video of Patrick Stewart on David Letterman. An interview with Firefly’s Joss Whedon followed, in which he said “A limited reboot would be great.” Then there was the news of Star Trek: Wrath Of Khan bobbleheads.

Then came the news that the Millenium Falcon was being rebuilt for Star Wars VII. Following that, there was anarticle on the possibilities of actual time travel. In another bit of news regarding a “limited series”, Heroes is coming back in 2015 as a miniseries.

Then there was information that a new companion would be joining The (newly regenerated) Twelfth Doctor and Clara (has he accepted his kidneys yet?). The new character’s name is Danny Pink. That was followed by the news of “Ghostbusters” alum Harold Ramis dying at the age of 69, due to complications of an autoimmune disease.

WhatCulture produced an article on how the JJ Abrams reboot of Star Trek just wasn’t Star Trek anymore, followed by the news of Star Wars VII possibly casting it’s villain in an actor named Adam Driver, and a trailer for Transformers: Age Of Extinction, which looks amazing.

That was followed by another Doctor Who article. The article speculated on a new actor portraying the Time Lord’s archnemesis, The Master. Then the spotlight turned on Entertainment Weekly’s coverage of Orphan Black. The second season premieres April 19th.

Then there was news that Chris Pine was charged with a DUI in New Zealand, followed by a couple of articles from io9. One of them put a scifi-fantasy spin on March Madness, and “What Does Your Favorite Star Trek Say About You?”

Then there was news for our model-builders. The Ferengi Maurader and USS Dauntless can now be added to your model room, if you have one. That was followed by an interview with Paul McGann, speculating that Peter Capaldi could be the best Doctor yet. That was followed the confirmation that Star Wars VII would be set 30 years after Return Of The Jedi, and some more spoilery Doctor Who Season 8 news.

If you haven’t liked the Blue Report on Facebook, Click here! Remember anyone can post sci-fi articles of interest. So if you find something, remember to share!


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