New Officer Spotlight

Article by Mr Numbahs

This month we decided to try something new!

We've decided to interview a new comer! CL3 Shell!

Here it is!!

Interview of Shell CL3
By CL6 Mr Numbahs

How did you find OTF?

Well I was talking to a friend about Trek and I said we should start a Trek chat. He said there must be a million of them. So I did a Bing search and OTF was near the top in results. Clicked the link, joined, and here I am.

What is your favorite moment of OTF so far?

The night Princess of Hoth and I caused a meltdown in OTF that was stopped by Savrek and Zild. Every line typed was a laugh. Three good people right there.

Who is your favorite person in OTF so far?

Princess of Hoth....sweet, wonderful, shy, beautiful and as funny as they get in a chat

I see your now in a OTF Team,you excited?

Yes. I am looking forward to makng a contribution, using my artistic skills and rising through the ranks so I can......CRUSH YOU ALL!

If you could meet any OTFer in person,who and why?

Princess of Hoth again....I just know we would have a blast.

If you could be a part of any team in OTF,which one and why?

I think Blue Report because I can use my art. I would also like to see what the Simm thing is all about because, clearly, we do a lot of improv in OTF

You seem to have a very creative art talent,where did you get it from or did it come naturally?

My dad is an artist and musician and taught me most of what I know in those areas. I guess I got the DNA from him too. Other than that, I studied clasical guitar and took some art classes in college


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