Sci-Fi News

Article by T'Pel Kestra

Just for Laughs

Sad news was given to me a while back involving Alexander Enberg, or as some of you may know him as Vorik from Star Trek: Voyager.

The date is lost from me, however he has suffered a stroke and was in a coma. There was minimal brain activity and they did not believe he would recover. With that being said, miracles do happen and I found myself hoping he pulled through, though he will likely never be quite the same.

Alex Enberg is 41 years old, and this proves that such things can hit at any time. I encourage you all to learn what you can and take preventive measures in awareness because it may not end up being you, you may still be able to offer assistance otherwise.

I also ask that you offer any prayers or well wishes in any way you deem fit. I know he has a Facebook page but not sure how effective that would be.

From what I have been told by a friend who was lucky enough to meet him at a Convention, he was High energy and of the friendliest nature. Very accepting of his fans and had a willingness to meet them. He sounds like one hell of a guy and I hope he pulls through. He brought to life a very expressive and accepting Vulcan who has ended up on my list of favorites. I wish his friends and family well in this time.

Though as time has passed his recovery seems assured. He is moving on his own as well as talking, if not completely. There is still a long way for him to go, but he is out of his coma and working toward improvement.

This is good news and is what his friends, family, and fans have all been hoping for. I am hoping for his continued success in recovery.

And remember people, learn what you can and be knowledgeable about the signs of strokes. Not all cases turn out like Alex's. Learn, observe, and hopefully get someone help in time.


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