Simming is Back!

Article by Cameron

Simming is rising from the ashes and it seems to be off to a really great start. I decided to talk with the Simming Team Leader, CL4 Rezal/Darth Sidious about what we can expect from the new simming team.

BR: Since you'll be the Team Leader for Simming, Is there anything you plan to get rid off or change?

Rezal: We aren't going to touch on Play by Email this time round, and we are planning to make the plots episodic, so they run more like a TV show than one off Sim Events.

We are also making use of a custom built forum, whether this sees use as team communication only, or is used for Play by Forum as well, is yet too be seen. But it's something the team likes, and we hope the rest of OTF can get behind as well.

BR: Also let me congratulate you on being given the responsibility of leading your first Team! For all those who are new, or for those who may have forgotten, what does Simming involve?

Rezal: Why thank you! It is a great honour to be given this responsibility, and I hope I can do the role justice.

Simming is about bring a community together into a live creative writing environment. It gives like minded fans the chance to actually participate in the worlds and universes that they love so much. It's about giving control of story to the players, while being led on a wild, exciting, and fun adventure.

At the Simming team, we are aiming to create engaging plots that everyone can jump into to, and to create a stability within these plots, to allow people the confidence, and desire to come back for every Sim, and to get involved in sculpting a part of the story for themselves. We want people to have fun, and that's what Simming is all about. Fun.

BR: Who is currently on the Simming Team?

Rezal: We have Mackenzie Soul, Better known as Stephi, Heading up the Live Simming Team, and Cameron heading up the illustrious writing team, both supported by the wonderful T'Pel as assistant Division Leaders. Working on Forums (, we have my Right hand man, and second in Command Mr. Numbahs, and Darth Jadus, though the Position of Assistant Division Leader here is open to anyone whom would like to apply! And we also have Soka putting in many hours work towards our snappy new website, temporarily living at until we can move it over to OTF's Servers!

BR: What do you think will be the Simmings Team biggest Challenge?

Rezal: Keeping interest from Sim to Sim. Every Simming Team has suffered from loss of interest, and as such, members of the team or players leave, or stop showing up.

We need to keep things engaging, and if things slow down, we'll need to shake them up again. If we can't keep things fun and interesting, then the Team just won't survive.

BR: Will Simming still Remain a Team, or could that Change?

Rezal: We are a part of the ENT Department if that's what you mean, and I don't think that will change. With the revival of Simming, an ENT command structure might be reformed, which will help with the smooth running of all teams involved, but I can't see anything changing about them being a team of ENT.

BR: Have you been involved with Simming before?

Rezal: Yes, I was a member of the Simming Team in the early 2000's

BR: What will the First Simm be based of, a series, Book or a whole new creation?

Rezal: The first Sim will be set in the Star Trek Universe. We are looking into setting it after Nemesis in the original universe.

BR: Where will the First Simm take place?

Rezal: Likely the Admiral's Office, We have only had contact with Tanya on the EC so far and she suggested this as a location where we don't interrupt the flow of normal chat, but it's still somewhere that can normal chatters can easily jump to if they want to participate.

This should allow for good environments for both players and those who don't want to be involved. If this can't be set up by the time we are ready, then it will take place in the Outpost 10F chat.


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