
Article by DeBoe

This month's issue is jam-packed with content, so I will keep my introduction short and sweet. You may notice that we are trying something new this week with movie reviews. If you have a Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie or game review of your own you'd like to submit, please send them to me at

In honor of Star Trek: Into Darkness releasing later this month, this edition of the Blue Report has a Star Trek theme. Below we have a preview for the new Star Trek movie, April's Caption Contest Winner, Richard invites you to the 2014 Philadelphia Union, Richard also announces The Unions Team's flyer contest winner, Numbers was kind enough to answer a few questions about Star Trek Online, T'Pel has written a comic for everyone to enjoy, Richard reviews Iron Man 3, Cameron has his monthly chatsaves, and I have my monthly memes.

Before I leave you, I'd like to remind everybody that our own Cameron is leading an event of his own conception on the forums, "The Wedding of Thor." Please go check it out when you have the time.


Bogart at 2013-05-21 01:34:47
Just scroll down to the meme section, the rest is filler

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