It's Not Dead, Jim!

Article by Polson

So, upon waking on May the 7th, I quickly scrambled to check over my cell phone if the movie really was premiering that night in my city. Happily I noted it was! And there was a chance I'd have free tickets! Except it was 7am, and my work partner Bryce who supposedly was able to get tickets, would not be up for several hours. Not willing to risk it, I sent a text message telling him I'd wait until ten before buying tickets online.

When I didn't hear from Bryce by nine o'clock I began planning my escape from home to find internet (as I've been moving). Except I was still unpacking, and my sister needed me, and then my mother called and asked me to come down to her work before 11:00 so I could pick out my stools for my new house. Stressed, I managed to finish up with Ami then drove to my parent's house to use the internet. I arrived shortly after ten and called Bryce, waking him up. He had forgotten about the movie and did not get tickets. And he wanted to stay home and watch the Canucks. He said he'd go the following day, but one day later was one day too late! Then I spent the next half hour attempting to buy tickets online, but discovered that my dad's printer didn't work. I didn't have time to drive to the other side of town to my former residence where my computer was (and still is) set up and then make it to mom's work. Stress!

While driving to AMA on the way to my mom's work, I managed to talk mom into coming to the movie with me. I then ran into AMA to buy movie tickets, only to discover I could only get passes there, not specific show tickets. I purchased those and prayed my hometown's nerd population was not greater than the theater's capacity so that it wouldn't be sold out by the time the theater actually opened.

After completing many other tasks, I went to the theater. At five thirty. I was first in line! No one was there. In fact, no one showed up until six. Because the theater didn't open until six. Then it opened and we all poured in and I went to the wrong counter before finally getting into the back of the line of the right counter. Thankfully the movie was not sold out so I got our tickets with no problems.

Mom arrived at 6:30 and we went into the theater. The movie didn't start until 7:00 so there were several pee breaks taken between the two of us. And I was disappointed; there were no Klingons. In the past at Star Trek openings there are people dressed up as Klingons. In fact, I PROMISED mom Klingons. We were both sadly disappointed.

Eventually the movie actually started. The first few seconds were dead quiet, except for one guy in the back who yelled "whoo hoo!" I was in tears almost immediately. The old heart strings were a twanging. And then came the moment...the moment when the title "Star Trek" appeared on the screen. The entire theater erupted in applause!

Now I won't be sharing movie details here, as several people won't have seen it yet, but I gotta say, it rocked my socks off. And it was simply fantastic to be watching it with people who knew TOS - you could tell, because everytime there was a throwback the entire auditorium burst out laughing. "Green blooded hobgoblin" simply isn't funny all by itself. But when you've grown up hearing McCoy gripe about Spock's penchant for irritating calm, "Are you out of your Vulcan Mind???" takes on new meaning! Every Trek joke was appreciated audibly by the audience! And then when the film finally came to an end, the crowd stood and clapped! Fantastic! Gotta say, I love premier showings. I went four days later again and the response was completely different. The entire theater was quiet, laughing only at the obvious jokes but not the throw backs, no applause, no whooping. If you missed the premier in your city, shame on you! Go build yourself a time machine, go back in time and take the evening off to see Star Trek XI!


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