The Interview Blues

Article by Polson

During the anniversary, chatters were randomly asked various questions. Due to the volume of answers not all could be included, but we’ve tried to put in a wide range of responses! So OTF, here’s…you guys! (P.S. I may have fixed some spelling and punctuation. I’m a freak that way).

Why do you come to OTF?
Lzrman said, “To chat. Chat, Lurk and see if anyone from the old days returns.”
Cinna said, “Because I feel I belong here...and accepted here.”
Wolf Brother said, “Truth be told I'm trying to pick up. And by truth I mean lie, and by lie I mean lie.”
PR Moore said, “I come to OTF because someone told me I could find the last Chaos Emerald here and I could at last become SuperPat. *nods*”

What was your first impression of OTF/TF/CCC, etc. etc.?
Candice said, "Wow. I can't believe there are so many losers in one place. Why am I here again?" But then I learned to become a loser, so it's all good now. ”
Jemmet said, “10 years ago I thought it was a trip. Now I'm pretty comfortable in here. Like coming to an old pub in a town you only visit once a year...”
Korny said, “ ‘OMFGAWESOME’ until I promptly lost the URL for several years.”
Firenaut said, “Shiny.”

PR Moore said, “I thought was around the most uptight people I ever met in my life, for realz.
To which Polson replied, “Pat, really? This was like the only chat I didn't get kicked out of.”
And then PR Moore answered, “Oh yeah, for like the first three days. After that, it was all cool beans after that.”

How would you describe OTF to your friends?
Korny said, “A dimly lit dive ...on the internet.”
PR Moore said, “They do not know of this place's existence. It's like with Vegas: "What happens in OTF, stays in OTF." *nods*”
JD said, “I live in the south, after explaining it everyone just thinks I'm talking to ghosts.” Katrina said, “I call it "the place where I met Alexis"...and leave it at that.”
Firenaut said, “It's the shiznit, you! I mean you haz t3h Star Trek! teh Star Wars!, OFF THE HOOK!”

What is your favourite OTF moment since its inception?
PR Moore said, “When Sting beat Hogan for the title at Starcade 97'. Oh wait, that was WCW. What about that one time CT beat Keith for the OTFFC Heavyweight Championship belt, that was awesome.”
PR Moore said, “When Sting beat Hogan for the title at Starcade 97'. Oh wait, that was WCW. What about that one time CT beat Keith for the OTFFC Heavyweight Championship belt, that was awesome.”
Lzrman said, “you make it sound like OTF had birth of something the food fights and random phaser fights. The office party, the tainting of the ISA Cooler and the admirals bar fridge. EBN banned me.”
Hobbie said, “January 22, 2003. After that, Hobbie joined, and it's all gone downhill from there. ”
Katrina said, “Peoples. Yeah. I can't pick one. We've had too many good times. The day with the pickles was fun. The day with the sandwich thing was fun.”
Polson said, “I think anytime Liz, Katrina, Jayne and I got into a chat room together was pretty awesome. For some reason with us even the lamest thing was fun, regardless of the OTF policies or politics of the day. The egg roll on the floor, the butt-licking ostrich, just all around juvenile behavior that ended up drawing others into our lunacy. Good times.

What was your OTF highlight over the past year?
Majin said, “Briefly having a Trivia strike. Granted, I can't remember the rest of the year.”
Fats said, “Hoochie Momma Cruise of 2008 *nod* it may not have been a Union but it involved OTF'ers.”
Bikepolar said, “Yesterday, when I found you guys.”
Lzrman said, “Getting Demoted ”
Hobbie said, “I don't know... The Amsterdam get together, maybe.”
Luc said, “My retirement from OTF!”

If we had an OTF time capsule, what would you put in it?
Jeremy said, “Yala Bravo's brilliant wit. ”
Bikepolar said, “I have Photos of my Grandmother the founder of Empathy fan club in Starfleet uniform from the 1970's.”
Hobbie said, “My Fry avatar. It'd be fitting.”
Keith, who clearly couldn’t decide, said, “a nice bottle of wine. because each time I try to put it away to let it age, I end up looking for it and drink the dang thing no wait! even better! my Lt Commander pips...because I sure ain't wearin' 'em anymore. Lzrman. Let a future generation of OTFers put up with him *l* real answer here... a picture of Michiel so a future generation can know how hilarious of a guy he was.”
Sym said, “I'd put Polson in. She is as timeless a piece of OTF history as anything else. ”
Cinna said, “hmm.. a 3 musketeers bar a bunny with a tiara on it, and my BIB outfit that damn picture Micha Bravo had of the afro bunny......horrid thing it was ”
Lzrman said, “Ray.”

A few of us getting buried alive. Excellent.

If you could be any sci fi character, who would you be? Why?
Katrina said, “Inara. 'cause she's so graceful and pretty and respected and does what she does.”
Hobbie said, “Pretty much any starfighter pilot would be great. I've always like Wedge, in particular...”
Polson said, “Sam Carter. She is the coolest ever. Smart, beautiful, funny, kickass, respected; pretty much everything I wished I was.”
Majin said, “Luke Skywalker.”
Fats said, “Mr T.”
Keith said, “Not that I officially know anything about Star Wars or Star Trek... but Mace Windu. I mean, c'mon...its Mace Mother Effing Windu!”
Cinna said, “Deanna Troi...cause... wait…I am her I should have said Leia…cause she has the ultimate sticky buns ”
Bikepolar said, “Q.”
Korny said, “BOOONES! Cause uh..Bones. *nods*”
Lzrman said, “Robert Picardo, why because he's awesome! Voyager and Stargate/Atlantis, he's a real leader.”
PR Moore said, “I be Han, he was just a smooth, straight-talking smuggler.”

If you could be another OTFer for one day, whose shoes would you want to walk in? Why?
Fats said, “I already wear woman’s shoes as often as it is. And night dresses.”
Naberrie said, “I'd like to be Michiel Then again, he's not really an OTFer anymore. ”
Keith said, “CT...because he's a legend and he has the upmost respect from the entire community. I think I'm a badass...I'm nothing in his shadow.”
Cinna said, “Hmm…Kapeka...cause she lives in Hawaii...and the fact she can find the good in almost anyone and such a sweet person. I always admired her for that ”
Majin said, “I'd want to be in Polson's shoes. Just to feel the power of awesome.”
Korny said, “Korny. She's an über sexy beast. ”
And Hobbie said something dumb about his foot size so I deleted him.

If you could rule OTF for a day, what would you do with such vast powers?
Katrina said, “Fix it.”
Korny said, “Give everyone embarrassing avatars. ”

If you could give a promotion to any member, who would it be and why?
Korny said, “Me, cause that'd be the only way I could have custom avatars. ”
Firenaut said, “Me! Because I said so!”

Compelling argument, Firenaut. I’m convinced! Anyway, that’s the interview folks! Thanks for playing and thanks for reading!


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