Previous Issue Edition #18
B r i n g i n g  t h e  w o r l d  t o  O T F
April 2002

An Interview with Maxwell

by Lt Cmdr Zulin

1. Why did you create the outpost?

Back in June of 1997 I was captivated by the concept of online chat forums, especially those with an interesting and integrated theme. After spending a few months enjoying what chatrooms had to offer I decided that summer to try to build one myself. As such an endeavour required knowledge of html, javascript (what javascript was around back then), graphics design, and most importantly Perl, I had my work cut out for me over the next few months. I decided to pick Star Trek as the theme because I always liked the show and because it offered the possibility of so many neat options. I called upon a buddy of mine to assist me with the concept (Fleet Admiral Piraeus), and the two of us spent the next few months developing and finally completing the room. At that time Outpost 10F did not exist, just a single room: "Ten Foward - A Star Trek Chat." My reasons for creating the room to begin with were facination with the Internet and my drive to learn more about web development and programming.

2. What do you do Outside the outpost and away from the computer for fun?

Over the past few years many of the activities I have spent time on involve the computer and the Internet. I have OTF to worry about (although the people who have assisted over the years make it bearable for me!), a project revolving around the web server currently hosting OTF, and of course my studies. I have a business degree with a major in Information Technology and Marketing. The former part of the degree required a lot of computer work. Outside of this I do very much enjoy Geology. I belong to a lapidary club and have a collection of precious/semi-precious stones and other goodies. I enjoy cutting and polishing stones when time permits. I enjoy the outdoors and realize I probably should be spending more time outside than inside! I'm an avid hockey fan; I like to play ball hockey and attend NHL games when my wallet permits it! And finally, I can play the saxophone and guitar (well, kinda...).

3. how do you think working at the outpost has improved whatyou do away from the computer?

The Outpost has helped in many areas. Firstly, through working at OTF I have expanded my skillset significantly which will only benefit me and my upcoming career. This includes adding a lot of technical knowhow to the resume, but also the concept of written communication and teamwork. At OTF teamwork is a must...if people don't get along we never get anywhere. I think I've improved my ability to keep a group together and on track. Communication via email is never easy and is becoming increasingly more important in today's world. OTF has enabled me to expand my abilities in this area too. I am confident that every person who has played a significant role at OTF has improved their skillsets in these areas too.

4. how have you changed since you founded the outpost?

I haven't really changed significantly as a person since OTF came into the picture. However, I think being able to participate at OTF has made me a more objective thinker. As being responsible for solving conflicts, problems, etc it is important to consider both sides of the story. In life I find myself always taking an objective standpoint and evaluating various alternatives to determine validity. I've also learned a lot more about myself through my efforts at OTF which is certainly important. I've also become more focused on what I want to do in life. Through working at OTF I realized I thouroughly enjoyed the technical and business side of systems development and that it is something I'd like to do as a career.


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