Twitter, October Status Report

Article by Dookie

This month I’m very pleased to share with you all a tweet with our very own OTF members in it! These photos come to us from Demon Slayer and are taken at Destination Star Trek Europe, which was held last October 7th to 9th.  You can see here XZ, Ruth, Cliftonian, Hyper Allsopp and Demon Slayer :

This very tweet has inspired me to create a list of OTF members who are on Twitter.  This list allows us to keep track of our member’s activity on Twitter!   I have found 14 peeps and have added them to the list.  If I have missed you, please send me a Direct Message to @Outpost10F on Twitter.  I hope this encourages some members to branch out into Twitter and engage with us!


This past week Twitter was a-buzz with news about the latest Rogue One trailer that was released as well as the newest Rogue One movie poster. 

I’m also excited about tweeting on the New York Comic Con, where they revealed the trailer for the new Doctor Who spinoff series « Class » and also a look at upcoming Star Wars novels and books.

We are looking for a regular staffer on our Twitter Team!  Please see the Classifieds if you’re interested in tweeting with us!

Thanks for reading! And as usual, follow us and tweet us your thoughts, ideas and comments @Outpost10F on Twitter and Instagram!


CL6 Dookie

[Destination Europe photo credits: Andrew, aka Demon Slayer]


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