Taking on the ISA

Article by Cameron

Always in the background and ever vigilant, the ISA are here to make sure we have an enjoyable experience in Chat. It’s been a few months since Admiral Iain handed the reins of ISA to Zildjian or Zild as he’s known where he makes his rounds. Zild was gracious enough to take some time out of his busy schedule and let us know what’s what, when it comes to life in the ISA.

BR: Zild, this is your second go around as the ISA director. What made you take up the mantle again?

Zild: I saw that the department needed help and made the offer. I guess I don't like to see things, that I've invested past time and effort in, struggle.

BR: What does the ISA Director do?

Zild: Oversee all aspects of the department. Including: Hiring and training deputies, monitoring the chat room, monitoring and processing armory usage, bans and statuses. Maintaining the ISA webspace. Engaging in Executive Council issues. Respond to people getting errors.. Also - redirect drama and gather dirt via chat saving you ALL -and- other classified activities.

BR: How does one become an ISA officer?

Zild: 30 Klingon pain-sticks. If you're still standing and you follow the Prime Directives at all times without inflaming situations, you've got a shot. ISA Officers are chosen carefully and invited into the department. Of course, letting me know of your interest doesn't hurt.

BR: What are some things you look for when choosing someone to become an ISA officer?

Zild: Someone who is often active and chats regularly. Someone who has common sense. Someone who believes in and upholds the Prime Directives. Someone who follows the rules without having to skirt them to try and look cool.

BR: Can you explain the correct way to deal with a lamer in chat?

Zild: It depends what they're doing in order give an exact answer. Typically - Two 'polite' warnings followed by a Lv2 shot if the warnings are not headed. Results may vary depending on status or severity.

BR: Are there any new projects that you're working on?

Zild: No new projects at the moment. Next up is to bring the training center up to date.

BR: How can other patrons help the ISA?

Zild: Mostly by not inflaming situations or creating more drama. Reporting poor behavior and PD violations with chat saves (proof), to the ISA Director is always best.

BR: Do you have anyone in mind for the Assistant Director Position?

Zild: I'll say I have criteria in mind.

BR: What are some of the other things you've done when kicking around OTF?

Zild: As in a resume? Lets see I've been in Research and Development, Engineering, The One Zero Division, Acting Deputy Sector Commander, the 2013 Yearbook team and countless graphics - including the Defiant in the Armory. ISA Director twice and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.

BR: Tell us something that we might not know about you?

Zild: I'm The One.

BR: What is your favorite armory function?

Zild: Level seven armory functions are classified to those that hold level seven Armory clearance.


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