
Article by Adge

Hello, all, and welcome to the Valentine's Day edition of the Blue Report!

This issue will be primarily light-hearted in nature, focused on Valentine's Day, and the auction we held leading up to the big day itself. In this issue, T'Pel has kindly written up the results of the auction itself and provides a Vulcan outlook on the whole event; DeBoe has searched for the best sci-fi/fantasy Valentine's Day funnies for you to enjoy; Cameron provides a few more chat saves from his disturbingly extensive collect; and Shannon has recorded, for posterity, the result of a blind-date that Cameron went on!

This month also see's the return of SF_Warp and his puzzles and brain teasers, starting with a crossword for you to mull over!

The awards and promotions from January are included, and we congratulate them all and thank them for their efforts not only in January, but month after month!

I hope you enjoy the read for this month. We'll be back to business as usual for March, but for now, in the spirit of that most romantic of days, I love you.

My best,
AJ (CL9)


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