Outpost 10F News

Entertainment Update

It's been a busy time for all the teams following the change over to the new structure and format, and we're all very excited about the possibilities that we are now able to fully explore. Over at Entertainment, we've started exploring new and original ways to keep everyone at the Outpost Entertained, with CL4 Sarek taking the lead with forum Trivias, CL4 RosieGirl and CL3 Evolet_Rose getting the ball rolling on a simming/role-play outlet for our members, and plans in the pipe work for interactive blogs, reviews and podcasts! For the most part, however, it has been a case of getting everything set up and sorted, and trying to utilize talents to make the team - and by extension OTF - as successful as possible!

If you would like to get involved with the Entertainment Team, or have suggestions you'd like to bring to the table, then feel free to get in touch with either myself or CL9 Hobbie!

(CL9) - AJ

Hello Everyone,

This just a friendly reminder of the ISA Intelligence section of our forum, which you can find here. This is the place where we post updates of new malware, phishing scams and anti-virus solutions to keep you guys informed. This is also a place where anyone can feel free to ask any questions you might have about information security, networking, or computer related topics in general.

Outpost10f - ISA


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