The Strellus Chronicles

Article by R. K. Wigal

Here's a Strellus Glossary .


Tacchus is a globular star cluster located two thirds of the way out from the center of the great spiral galaxy known as The Angel's Veil. Tacchus' most notable features are the abundance and close proximity of main sequence stars in its population (nearly every star is of type F, G or K) as well as the proliferation of habitable planets orbiting many of the stars throughout the cluster. A number of those planets are inhabited.

The development of the societies that emerged on those planets followed the natural path of cultural evolution. Small bands, usually of hunter-gatherers, grew into tribes. Chiefdoms came next, then states. Finally, in many cases, single, united planetary nations came into being. Every type of government system in the entire political spectrum was tried as well.

The advent of space travel brought many of the more advanced planetary societies within reach of one another. Diplomatic ties were established and economic agreements were negotiated. Entire commercial networks of interplanetary communities arose, trade flourished and worlds prospered. The socio-architects, beings of wisdom and foresight, created buffer systems to aid those worlds that might experience times of economic hardship. The established interplanetary economy was efficient, flexible and indiscriminate. All shared equitably. Any disputes that might arise were resolved fairly and impartially.

Socially, countless species and races emerged. Early discrimination by one species or race against another eventually gave way to mutual appreciation and respect; egocentricity had been supplanted by practicality. Wars too, for the most part, were a thing of the past.

Canaris is a white, G-type star lying well within the Tachus cluster. Seven planets orbit Canaris. Pleia, the second planet, is inhabited. The Pleian civilization was one of the earliest in the region and has been in existence for thousands of rayos. Pleia's governmental structure evolved from dictatorial roydom (kingdom), to totalitarian empire, to constitutional monarchy and, finally, to republic. Pleia was a member of the Consortium of Allied Planets. Being long established and being both politically and socially mature, Pleia was respected and had influence throughout the region. Pleians themselves were generally very happy and well adjusted.

War broke out in 4343 when Pleia was suddenly and brutally attacked by the Ha'Gu'Nei. A few hepters earlier, a survey party was exploring outside Tacchus. The surveyors watched as a band of marauders ransacked a settlement on a small asteroid, killing the males, abducting the females and children. The lead surveyor called for help on his comset. Within a few heras, starfighters dispatched from Pleia made short work of the marauding Ha'Gu'Nei and rescued the survivors. And so the Ha'Gu'Nei retaliated.

The war went badly for Pleia at first. Pleians simply were not warlike. Pleia's military was skilled, but inexperienced. Political leadership could have been better as well. Vergut Mirko, a prominent procater, announced his candidacy for the roylency. He vowed a swift end to the war and total victory, should he be elected. He had charisma, the backing of nearly all of the procate, and the popular vote. Many of the Pleiad Members were highly skeptical. Nevertheless, the Pleiad voted Mirko in by a margin one. The euphoria from Mirko's astounding win all but drowned out [Pleiad] Member Fen Jopah's prediction: "Mark my words," he said. "Vergut Mirko, now Roylent of Pleia, will dissolve first the Pleiad, then the Procate. He will, one dero, move from Roylent to absolute Roy. Mark my words."

Mirko kept his promise; the war ended victoriously for Pleia. The war lasted nearly five rayos, during which time, Member Fen Jopah's prediction came true. The Pleiad and the Procate were dissolved, "To better facilitate the war effort, but only for the duration of the war." Hah! The last election was in late '43. The SePo (Secret Police) were established to root out terrorists and saboteurs. NoffScan was established for people in the neighborhood to watch for and report any suspicious activity. The added offering of bonuses slowly turned NoffScan into a rat-on-your-neighbor-for-profit group. Pleians are the most tolerant of people. They've been living in constant fear for a good many rayos, but they've endured. Lately, though, people have been disappearing in greater numbers! It is no longer safe to speak of anything to anyone! Trust is nonexistent! The suicide rate is the highest it's ever been! More and more Pleians are getting fed up! Defections are on the rise! Indeed, throughout Pleia, the operative word is escape!


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