Getting to Know You:

Article by RuseMD

In an endeavor to know our fellow members here at OTF, we have decided to start interviewing that standout new member of the Outpost. In this issue of the Blue Report new contributor Brandon interviews Lazy Noob.

Brandon: Tell us a little about yourself?

Lazy Noob: Well. I’m really just your average person no different than anyone else, I’m currently a free agent in the MLG Halo3 pro circuit, other than I’m really kind of boring.

BR: How did you find Outpost10f?

LN: I found the Outpost through a friend of mine back in Junior High, she told me I she frequents the site, and that I should check it out

BR: What do you like most about the Outpost?

LN: The thing I like most about the outpost is without a doubt the people, it’s a true melting pot on a global scale, and everyone comes from a lot of different backgrounds and adds their own personal flavor and excitement to the chat which can lead to stimulating and interesting chat discussions

BR: Does your online name have any special meaning?

LN: It depends really, my normal LazyNoob handle had a bit of a meaning behind it. It was a really good friend of mine's World of warcraft name that had randomly disappeared, if however you mean what I’ve been using lately: Chewy or Chewy Is Clutch; it’s the name I go by for when I compete in at MLG events.

BR: If you could choose to do anything in the outpost what would you do?

LN: Hmm, if I could choose to do anything in the Outpost?, I don't that's a hard one, I’d like to bring back the gaming guild, it was great when it was active and I’ve noticed lately there's been a little talk about the possibility of it making a return.

BR: Why did you choose your affiliation?

LN: Honestly I enjoy the Star Trek, even though I more than willingly admit that I don't have much of a clue about its universe, or any of the other options to choose from, so going with Star Trek just seemed natural.

BR: Are you looking at any teams to join?

LN: At the moment, I'm part of the Library and Music team's, but I'm always looking to lend my services to other areas of the outpost, primarily to ensure that the Outpost stays a nice friendly and fully functioning place to chat.

BR: What do you think of Vic?

LN: Vic without a doubt makes me laugh with some of the things that he's been programmed to say. The whole "Attention all, I’m going to take over the world with Vegan cupcakes" is a classic, although I highly doubt that idea will work I just can't see Vegan Cupcakes being remotely tasty.

BR: What do you think could be done to make the Outpost even better?

LN: Oh wow, that's a bit of a loaded question, I know there’s been talks about what we can do to make the Outpost even better, and the suggestions that were brought up comes from the patron's of the Outpost via suggestion box, but I don't know really, I’d like to see a more 1st time user friendly interface, not that it isn't already good, but some people when they first come to Outpost still have trouble with it when they log on for the time


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